La ragazza col pullover

Piazza Vincenzo Fardella da Torrearsa is a small pentagonal square at Campo di Marte (Florence, Italy) with a garden surrounded by perimeter hedges which provide a certain degree of confidentiality. In the centre of the garden stands “The girl in the pullover”, a statue sculpted in 1953 by Zino Boldini Nisticò, which the artist dedicated to his first love. And here is where the Associazione Culturale “Il Delta della Luna” reunited for the first time since last March 8, when a military-enforced lockdown confined people to their homes for over two months. No one knows whether a virus is deadly or not, except by its results. And its results apparently indicate that people are not yet safe or free. Scientists and virologists — not an exact science indeed — do prescribe to wear masks and advise for a bare minimum of one meter of distance. Cursed and fined is everyone who does not observe and obey the orders and rules of such authorities. And so here we are now, heading to a new life.