Una vita in breve

Il Dipartimento dello sport ha pubblicato sul suo sito una FAQ che chiarisce alcuni punti del DPCM del 24 ottobre 2020, non lasciando spazio a dubbi interpretativi circa la possibilità di tenere aperte le scuole di danza:

“I centri di danza, qualora non ricomprendibili come palestre, sono da considerarsi come centri culturali o ricreativi, pertanto rientranti nelle previsioni di chiusura di cui all’art.1 comma 9 lett. f) del Dpcm 24 ottobre. Anche le classi di danza classica sono pertanto sospese”.

Italy’s Department for Sport published on its web site a handbook with some clarifications on the DPCM of October 24, 2020, leaving no room for interpretative doubts concerning the possibility of keeping dance schools open:

“If not classifiable as gyms, dance studios are to be regarded as cultural or recreational centres, and therefore falling within the order for closure referred to in Article 1 paragraph 9 lett. f) of the DPCM of October 24. Hence, ballet classes are also suspended”.

Street artist Banksy has confirmed that he is behind a mural showing a girl hula-hooping a bicycle tyre on the corner of Rothesay Avenue in Lenton, Nottingham, England. Surinder Kaur, who runs the AVI hair and beauty salon next to the mural, said the bike appeared at the same time as the mural. Photo: Banksy.