The Unnamed

A good news

Giorgio Agamben, Quodlibet, September 12, 2022

In the dark situation we find ourselves in, there are sometimes good news. For me, one of these is the decision of the so-called mainstream press not to review my books and not to mention my name in any way. On the other hand, the fact that my name appears on those pages which in the last two years showed their servility would cause me embarrassment and I can only be grateful to journalists for their decision. The attitude of the media during these two years will indeed remain as one of the most shameful pages in the history of our country. When one day historians will investigate what happened, the media will appear in the front line amongst the accomplices of political crimes, whose gravity, perhaps, will not be fully ascertainable before then. The responsibility of journalists who, as it happened in the fascist period, knew and nevertheless obeyed unscrupulously the orders of their editors will then appear clear without any possible excuses. Why have they been silent? Why did they obey?

(English translation by I, Robot)

M. C. Escher, Flor de Pascua — Untitled, 1921. Courtesy of WikiArt.