Two pieces of news (not among others)

Two pieces of news (not among others)

Giorgio Agamben, Quodlibet, December 30, 2023

The authoritative journal Nature has published the results of a research(*) carried out by a group of scientists from the University of Cambridge led by Anne Willis which demonstrates that mRNA vaccines, such as those used in the recent pandemic, produce unwanted proteins, whose effects on the body can be harmful. Even if the casistic of often serious and even lethal pathologies suffered by vaccinated people was already sufficient evidence for us, the research offers a scientific demonstration of it for the first time.
The second piece of news is that there is a remarkable increase compared to previous years in the number of people sick from flu syndromes and COVID (around 2,552,000 since the start of the season). We do not think it illegitimate to suggest that this increase could be related to the results of the research just cited.
It is unlikely that, although it would be their duty to do so, the doctors, politicians and experts who incautiously forced the majority of the population to be vaccinated will question themselves about these two facts.

(English translation by I, Robot)

René Magritte, The sensational news, 1926. Courtesy of WikiArt.